Interface Configuration

  • public interface Configuration
    Configures conventions used during the matching process.
    • Method Detail

      • addValueReader

        <T> Configuration addValueReader​(ValueReader<T> valueReader)
        Registers the valueReader to use when mapping from instances of types T.

        This method is part of the ModelMapper SPI.

        Type Parameters:
        T - source type
        valueReader - to register
        IllegalArgumentException - if valueReader is null or if type argument T is not declared for the valueReader
      • addValueWriter

        <T> Configuration addValueWriter​(ValueWriter<T> valueWriter)
        Registers the valueWriter to use when mapping property to instances of types T.

        This method is part of the ModelMapper SPI.

        Type Parameters:
        T - source type
        valueWriter - to register
        IllegalArgumentException - if valueWriter is null or if type argument T is not declared for the valueWriter
      • copy

        Configuration copy()
        Returns a copy of the Configuration.
      • getConverters

        List<ConditionalConverter<?,​?>> getConverters()
        Gets the ordered list of internal conditional converters that are used to perform type conversion. This list is mutable and may be modified to control which converters are used to perform type conversion along with the order in which converters are selected.

        This method is part of the ModelMapper SPI.

      • getPropertyCondition

        Condition<?,​?> getPropertyCondition()
        Returns the Condition that must apply for a property in order for mapping to take place, else null if no condition has been configured.
        See Also:
      • getProvider

        Provider<?> getProvider()
        Returns the Provider used for provisioning destination object instances, else null if no Provider has been configured.
        See Also:
      • getValueReaders

        List<ValueReader<?>> getValueReaders()
        Gets a thread-safe, mutable, ordered list of internal and user-defined ValueReaders that are used to read source object values during mapping. This list is may be modified to control which ValueReaders are used to along with the order in which ValueReaders are selected for a source type.

        The returned List throws an IllegalArgumentException when attempting to add or set a ValueReader for which the type argument T has not been defined.

        This method is part of the ModelMapper SPI.

      • getValueWriters

        List<ValueWriter<?>> getValueWriters()
        Gets a thread-safe, mutable, ordered list of internal and user-defined ValueWriters that are used to write destination object values during mapping. This list is may be modified to control which ValueWriters are used to along with the order in which ValueWriters are selected for a destination type.

        The returned List throws an IllegalArgumentException when attempting to add or set a ValueWriter for which the type argument T has not been defined.

        This method is part of the ModelMapper SPI.

      • isAmbiguityIgnored

        boolean isAmbiguityIgnored()
        Returns true if ambiguous properties are ignored or false if they will result in an exception.
        See Also:
      • isImplicitMappingEnabled

        boolean isImplicitMappingEnabled()
        Returns whether implicit mapping should be enabled. When true (default), ModelMapper will implicitly map source to destination properties based on configured conventions. When false, only explicit mappings defined in property maps will be used.
        See Also:
      • isPreferNestedProperties

        boolean isPreferNestedProperties()
        Returns whether nested properties were preferred when ModelMapper were building the type map with implicit mapping. When true (default), ModelMapper will prefer looking for nested properties for a mapping definition. This option should be disabled when you are trying to map a model contains circular reference.
          modelMapper.createTypeMap(SourceTree.class, DestinationTree.class,
        See Also:
      • isSkipNullEnabled

        boolean isSkipNullEnabled()
        Returns whether a property mapping will be skipped if the property value is null. When true, ModelMapper will always not set null to destination property.
        See Also:
      • isDeepCopyEnabled

        boolean isDeepCopyEnabled()
        Returns whether the deep copy feature is enabled.
        See Also:
        setDeepCopyEnabled(boolean), AssignableConverter
      • isCollectionsMergeEnabled

        boolean isCollectionsMergeEnabled()
        Returns whether collections should be 'merged' when mapped. When true, mapping a source collection of size m to a destination collection of size n with m < n results in a collection with the first m elements mapped from the source and elements from m+1 to n being preserved from the destination collection. When false the elements of the destination collection are not preserved if they are not present in the source collection.
        See Also:
        setCollectionsMergeEnabled(boolean), MergingCollectionConverter, NonMergingCollectionConverter
      • setAmbiguityIgnored

        Configuration setAmbiguityIgnored​(boolean ignore)
        Sets whether destination properties that match more than one source property should be ignored. When true, ambiguous destination properties are skipped during the matching process. When false, a ConfigurationException is thrown when ambiguous properties are encountered.
        ignore - whether ambiguity is to be ignored
        See Also:
      • setDestinationNameTokenizer

        Configuration setDestinationNameTokenizer​(NameTokenizer nameTokenizer)
        Sets the tokenizer to be applied to destination property and class names during the matching process.
        IllegalArgumentException - if nameTokenizer is null
      • setDestinationNameTransformer

        Configuration setDestinationNameTransformer​(NameTransformer nameTransformer)
        Sets the name transformer used to transform destination property and class names during the matching process.
        IllegalArgumentException - if nameTransformer is null
      • setDestinationNamingConvention

        Configuration setDestinationNamingConvention​(NamingConvention namingConvention)
        Sets the convention used to identify destination property names during the matching process.
        IllegalArgumentException - if namingConvention is null
      • setFullTypeMatchingRequired

        Configuration setFullTypeMatchingRequired​(boolean required)
        Set whether ConditionalConverters must define a full match in order to be applied. If false, conditional converters may also be applied for a partial match.
        required - whether full type matching is required for conditional converters.
        See Also:
      • setImplicitMappingEnabled

        Configuration setImplicitMappingEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Sets whether implicit mapping should be enabled. When true (default), ModelMapper will implicitly map source to destination properties based on configured conventions. When false, only explicit mappings defined in property maps will be used.
        enabled - whether implicit matching is enabled
        See Also:
      • setPreferNestedProperties

        Configuration setPreferNestedProperties​(boolean enabled)
        Sets whether nested properties were preferred when ModelMapper were building the type map with implicit mapping. When true (default), ModelMapper will prefer looking for nested properties for a mapping definition. This option should be disabled when you are trying to map a model contains circular reference.
          modelMapper.createTypeMap(SourceTree.class, DestinationTree.class,
        enabled - whether prefer nested properties
        See Also:
      • setSkipNullEnabled

        Configuration setSkipNullEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Sets whether a property should be skipped or not when the property value is null.
        enabled - whether skip null is enabled
        See Also:
      • setDeepCopyEnabled

        Configuration setDeepCopyEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Sets whether deep copy should be enabled. When false (default), ModelMapper will copy the reference to the destination object of a property if they have same type. When true, ModelMapper will deep copy the property to destination object.
        enabled - enabled whether deep copy is enabled
        See Also:
        isDeepCopyEnabled(), AssignableConverter
      • setCollectionsMergeEnabled

        Configuration setCollectionsMergeEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Sets whether the 'merging' of collections should be enabled. When true (default), ModelMapper will map the elements of the source collection to the destination collection and keep any elements of the destination collection when the source collection is smaller than the destination collection. When false the destination collection only consists of the elements of the source collection after mapping.
        enabled -
        See Also:
        isCollectionsMergeEnabled(), MergingCollectionConverter, NonMergingCollectionConverter
      • setUseOSGiClassLoaderBridging

        Configuration setUseOSGiClassLoaderBridging​(boolean useOSGiClassLoaderBridging)
        Sets whether to use an OSGi Class Loader Bridge as described in the following article:

        This eliminates the need for forcing ModelMapper users to add custom OSGi imports to cglib's internals.

        In addition to that, the Class Loader Bridge will attempt to solve the issue described in the following StackOverflow topic:

        Ideally, this is expected to eliminate class loading issues in OSGi environments that were caused by missing custom imports.

        Note: If Class Loader Bridging is selected, then the source and destination class types must not be package-private. That is because in Java, two classes are only consider equal to the JRE if they were loaded with the same class loader even if they otherwise represent an identical class. The same is true for Java packages. If a class is loaded with a different class loader, it cannot get private-package access to any classes (or class members) that belong to another class loader.

        useOSGiClassLoaderBridging - whether to use OSGi Class Loader Bridge. Default is false
        See Also:
      • setPropertyCondition

        Configuration setPropertyCondition​(Condition<?,​?> condition)
        Sets the condition that must apply for a property in order for mapping to take place. This is overridden by any property conditions defined in a TypeMap or PropertyMap.
        IllegalArgumentException - if condition is null
      • setProvider

        Configuration setProvider​(Provider<?> provider)
        Sets the provider to use for providing destination object instances.
        provider - to register
        IllegalArgumentException - if provider is null
      • setSourceNameTokenizer

        Configuration setSourceNameTokenizer​(NameTokenizer nameTokenizer)
        Sets the tokenizer to be applied to source property and class names during the matching process.
        IllegalArgumentException - if nameTokenizer is null
      • setSourceNameTransformer

        Configuration setSourceNameTransformer​(NameTransformer nameTransformer)
        Sets the name transformer used to transform source property and class names during the matching process.
        IllegalArgumentException - if nameTransformer is null