Interface ValueWriter<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - destination type

    public interface ValueWriter<T>
    Writes values to a destination. Allows for integration with 3rd party libraries.
    • Method Detail

      • setValue

        void setValue​(T destination,
                      Object value,
                      String memberName)
        Returns the value from the destination object for the memberName.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the memberName is invalid for the destination
      • getMember

        ValueWriter.Member<T> getMember​(Class<T> destinationType,
                                        String memberName)
        Returns the ValueWriter.Member from the destination within given memberName.
        destinationType - the destination type
        memberName - the name of member
      • memberNames

        Collection<String> memberNames​(Class<T> destinationType)
        Returns all member names for the destinationType object, else null if the destination has no members.
      • isResolveMembersSupport

        boolean isResolveMembersSupport()
        Returns whether the value writer is supporting on resolving the members.
        true if the value writer is supporting on resolving the members; otherwise, return false