Interface PropertyNameInfo

  • public interface PropertyNameInfo
    Encapsulates property name information to be use for determining whether a hierarchy of source and destination properties match.
    • Method Detail

      • getDestinationProperties

        List<PropertyInfo> getDestinationProperties()
        Returns the destination properties.
      • getDestinationPropertyTokens

        List<Tokens> getDestinationPropertyTokens()
        Returns transformed name tokens for the destination property.
      • getSourceClassTokens

        Tokens getSourceClassTokens()
        Returns transformed name tokens for the source's declaring class.
      • getSourceProperties

        List<PropertyInfo> getSourceProperties()
        Returns the source properties.
      • getSourcePropertyTokens

        List<Tokens> getSourcePropertyTokens()
        Returns transformed name tokens for the source property.
      • getSourcePropertyTypeTokens

        List<Tokens> getSourcePropertyTypeTokens()
        Returns transformed name tokens for each source property type.