Interface PropertyInfo

  • public interface PropertyInfo
    Encapsulates information for a property.
    • Method Detail

      • getAnnotation

        <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation​(Class<T> annotationClass)
        Returns the annotation on the property's member for the annotationClass or null if none exists.
        Type Parameters:
        T - annotation type
        annotationClass - to get annotation for
      • getInitialType

        Class<?> getInitialType()
        Returns the initial type in the member declaring class' type hierarchy from which this property info was initiated. This is useful in resolving generic type information for the property where the type parameter may have been declared on the initial type.
      • getMember

        Member getMember()
        Returns the encapsulated member or null if none exists.
      • getName

        String getName()
        Returns the property name.
      • getPropertyType

        PropertyType getPropertyType()
        Returns the member type.
      • getType

        Class<?> getType()
        Returns the type represented by the property. For fields this will be the field type. For accessor methods this will be the return type. For mutator methods this will be the single parameter type.