Property Mapping

For most object models, ModelMapper does a good job of intelligently mapping source and destination properties. But for certain models where property and class names are very dissimilar, a PropertyMap can be created to define explicit mappings between source and destination properties.

Creating a PropertyMap

To start, extend PropertyMap, supplying type arguments to represent the source type <S> and destination type <D>, then override the configure method:

public class PersonMap extends PropertyMap<Person, PersonDTO>() {
    protected void configure() {

Using a PropertyMap

Once a PropertyMap is defined, it is used to add mappings to a ModelMapper:

modelMapper.addMappings(new PersonMap());

Multiple PropertyMaps may be added for the same source and destination types, so long as only one mapping is defined for each destination property.

Explicit mappings defined in a PropertyMap will override any implicit mappings for the same destination properties.

Creating an Expression Mapping

You can define a property mapping by using method references to match a source getter and destination setter.

typeMap.addMapping(Source::getFirstName, Destination::setName);

The source and destination types do not need to match.

typeMap.addMapping(Source::getAge, Destination::setAgeString);

This example maps the destination type’s setAge method to the source type’s getCustomer().getAge() method hierarchy, allowing deep mapping to occur between the source and destination methods:

typeMap.addMapping(src -> src.getCustomer().getAge(), PersonDTO::setAge);

This example maps the destination type’s getCustomer().setName() method hierarchy to the source type’s person.getFirstName() property hierarchy:

typeMap.addMapping(src -> src.getPerson().getFirstName(), (dest, v) -> dest.getCustomer().setName(v));

Creating an ExpressionMap

Defining Mappings

A PropertyMap allows you to define source to destination property and value mappings using actual code. These definitions are placed in the PropertyMap’s configure method where they are captured and evaluated later.

An ExpressionMap allows you to define source to destination property and value mappings using lambda expression.

This example maps the destination type’s setName method to the source type’s getFirstName method:

typeMap.addMappings(mapper ->, Destination::setName));

This example maps the destination type’s setLastName method to the source type’s surName field:


This example maps the source type’s address field to the destination type’s streetAddress field:

map(source.address, destination.streetAddress);

This example maps the destination type’s setEmployer method to the constant value "Initech":


This example maps the constant "Initech" to the destination field employer:

map("Initech", destination.employer);

Handling Mismatched Types

Map statements can also be written to map methods whose types do not match:

typeMap.addMappings(mapper ->, Destination::setAgeString));

Similar for mapping to primitives:

map(source.getAgeString()).setAge((short) 0);

And for mapping from constant values:


Note: When a value is provided on the left-hand side of a map() statement, any value provided on the right-hand side in a setter is not used.

Deep Mapping

This example maps the destination type’s setAge method to the source type’s getCustomer().getAge() method hierarchy, allowing deep mapping to occur between the source and destination methods:

typeMap.addMappings(mapper -> -> src.getCustomer().getAge(), PersonDTO::setAge));

This example maps the destination type’s getCustomer().setName() method hierarchy to the source type’s person.getFirstName() property hierarchy:

typeMap.addMappings(mapper -> mapper.<String>map(src -> src.getPerson().getFirstName(), (dest, v) -> dest.getCustomer().setName(v)));

Note: In order to populate the destination object, deep mapping requires the getCustomer method to have a corresponding mutator, such as a setCustomer method or an accessible customer field.

We can also mix field references into either the source or destination when deep mapping:

map(source.customer.age, destination);

Deep mapping can also be performed for source properties or values whose types do not match the destination property’s type:


Note: Since the setAgeString method requires a value we simply pass in null which is unused.

Skipping Properties

While ModelMapper implicitly creates mappings from a source type to each property in the destination type, it may occasionally be desirable to skip the mapping of certain destination properties.

This example specifies that the destination type’s setName method should be skipped during the mapping process:


Note: Since the setName method is skipped the null value is unused.

typeMap.addMappings(mapper -> mapper.skip(Destination::setName));

We can also skip the mapping of fields:



Converters allow custom conversion to take place when mapping a source to a destination property (see the general page on Converters for more info).

Consider this converter, which extends AbstractConverter and converts a String to an uppercase String:

Converter<String, String> toUppercase = new AbstractConverter<String, String>() {
    protected String convert(String source) {
        return source == null ? null : source.toUppercase();
Converter<String, String> toUppercase =
    ctx -> ctx.getSource() == null ? null : ctx.getSource().toUppercase();

Using the toUppercase Converter to map from a source property to a destination property is simple:


Using the toUppercase Converter to map from a source property to a destination property is simple:

typeMap.addMappings(mapper -> mapper.using(toUppercase).map(Person::getName, PersonDTO::setName));

Or we can also use lambda expression in using.

typeMap.addMappings(mapper -> mapper.using(ctx -> ((String) ctx.getSource()).toUpperCase())
	.map(Person::getName, PersonDTO::setName));

We can also use a Converter to map fields:


Alternatively, instead of using a converter to map a source property we can create a Converter intended to map from a source object to a destination property:

Converter<Person, String> toUppercase = new AbstractConverter<Person, String>() {
    protected String convert(Person person) {
        return person == null ? null : person.getFirstName();

When defining a mapping to use this converter, we simply pass the source object, which is of type Person, to the map method:


Note: Since a source object is given, the null value passed to setName is unused.

When using a Converter with a deep mapping, it is the last source and destination properties referenced by the mapping that will be passed to the the Converter:

// toUppercase will be called with the property types from getFirstName() and setName()
    // toUppercase will be called with the property types from getFirstName() and setName()
    mapper -> mapper.using(toUppercase).<String>map(src -> src.getPerson().getFirstName(), (dest, v) -> dest.getCustomer().setName(v)));


Providers allow allow you to provide your own instance of destination properties and types prior to mapping (see the general page on Providers for more info).

Consider this Provider which provides Person instances:

Provider<Person> personProvider = new AbstractProvider<Person>() {
    public Person get() {
        return new Person();
Provider<Person> personProvider = req -> new Person();

Configuring personProvider to be used for a specific property mapping is simple:


Configuring personProvider to be used for a specific property mapping is simple:

typeMap.addMappings(mapper -> mapper.with(personProvider).map(Source::getPerson, Destination::setPerson));

Or we can also use lambda expression in with.

typeMap.addMappings(mapper ->
	mapper.with(req -> new Person()).map(Source::getPerson, Destination::setPerson));

When mapping takes place, personProvider will be called to retrieve a Person instance, which will then be mapped to the destination object’s setPerson method.

Providers can also be used with converters:


When using a Provider with a deep mapping, it is the last destination property referenced by the mapping that will be used for the Provider:

// personProvider will be called with setPerson()'s property type as the requested type

Conditional Mapping

Mapping for a destination property can be made conditional by supplying a Condition along with the mapping.

Consider this condition, which applies if the source type is not null:

Condition notNull = new Condition() {
    public boolean applies(MappingContext<?, ?> context) {
        return context.getSource() != null;
Condition notNull = ctx -> ctx.getSource() != null;

We can use the notNull Condition to specify that mapping only take place for a property if the source is not null:

typeMap.addMappings(mapper -> mapper.when(notNull).map(Person::getName, PersonDTO::setName));

In this example, mapping to setName will be skipped if the source is not null, else mapping will proceed from the source object’s getName method:

typeMap.addMappings(mapper -> mapper.when(notNull).skip(PersonDTO::setName));

We can also conditionally skip the mapping of fields:


Conditions can also be used with Providers and Converters:


When using a Condition with a deep mapping, it is the last source and destination properties referenced by the mapping that will be passed to the Condition:

// isValidName will be called with the property types from getFirstName() and setName()

Several built-in Conditions are available.

Combining Conditions

Conditions can be combined using boolean operators with the help of the Conditions class:

when(Conditions.or(isNull, isEmpty)).skip().setName(source.getName());
when(Conditions.and(txIsActive, inScope)).map().setRequest(source.getRequest());

Alternatively, Condition implementations can extend AbstractCondition which has built in support for combining conditions:

Condition isNull = new AbstractCondition() {
    public boolean applies(MappingContext<?, ?> context) {
        return context.getSource() == null;


String Mapping

In addition to mapping properies using getters and setters, ModelMapper supports the mapping of source property paths defined as Strings:


Alternatively the source statement may also be used on the left-hand side of the map() statement:


This API makes it easy to define mappings from source objects that are not JavaBeans.