Interface ReferenceMapExpression<S,​D>

    • Method Detail

      • map

        <V> void map​(SourceGetter<S> sourceGetter,
                     DestinationSetter<D,​V> destinationSetter)
        Map source getter value to destination setter
           <String>map(Src::getValue, Dest::setValue)
           <String>map(src -> srg.getCustomer().getAddress(), dest -> dest.getCustomer().setAddress())
        Type Parameters:
        V - the value type to set into destination
        sourceGetter - a method reference to source getter
        destinationSetter - a method reference to destination setter
      • skip

        <V> void skip​(DestinationSetter<D,​V> destinationSetter)
        Skip destination property based on destinationSetter
           <String>map(dest -> dest.getCustomer().setAddress())
        Type Parameters:
        V - the value type of the setter
        destinationSetter - a method reference to destination setter
      • skip

        <V> void skip​(SourceGetter<S> sourceGetter,
                      DestinationSetter<D,​V> destinationSetter)
        Skip the mapping from the source property of sourceGetter to the destination property of destinationSetter
           <String>skip(Source::getValue, Dest::setValue)
        Type Parameters:
        V - the value type of the setter
        destinationSetter - a method reference to destination setter